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Expert Reviewers Linda Lowen and Stephanie Bartling: Providing Insights on College Application Essays

Published Nov 03, 23
4 min read

College Consulting: Helping Students Navigate the College Application Process

New Bridge Education Consulting offers college application essay assistance to help students navigate the application process. They provide one-on-one support for the main essay, helping students brainstorm topics, outline, and edit their essays. They also offer assistance with supplementary essays required by selective colleges.

One-on-One Main Essay Development: Crafting a Personalized and Compelling Application Essay

A crucial aspect of the college application process is crafting a personalized and compelling application essay. New Bridge Education Consulting provides one-on-one support in developing this crucial piece of writing. Their experienced consultants work closely with students to help them brainstorm essay topics that reflect their unique experiences, passions, and goals. They assist in outlining and structuring the essay to ensure a clear and engaging narrative. Additionally, they provide guidance in editing and revising the essay to make it more impactful and memorable to college admissions officers.

The Comprehensive Process of Writing a College Application Essay

Writing a college application essay requires a comprehensive approach that takes into account various aspects of the student's life and experiences. New Bridge Education Consulting follows a step-by-step process to ensure a well-crafted essay. They begin by conducting brainstorming sessions to help students identify their strengths and potential essay topics. Next, they assist in outlining the essay to create a logical structure and flow. Once the initial draft is complete, their consultants provide detailed feedback and suggestions for improvement. The final stage involves multiple rounds of revision to refine the content, language, and overall impact of the essay.

Supplementary Essay Development: Standing Out with Unique Short Writing Pieces

In addition to the main application essay, many selective colleges require students to submit supplementary essays that showcase their unique qualities, interests, and perspectives. New Bridge Education Consulting offers assistance in developing these short writing pieces to help students stand out from the competition. Their consultants guide students in selecting suitable topics and structuring the essays to effectively convey their message. They provide feedback and editing support to ensure concise, impactful writing that highlights the student's individuality and adds value to their overall application.

College Essay Review: Expert Evaluation and Suggestions for Improvement

For students who have already written their college application essay, New Bridge Education Consulting offers a review service. Their team of experienced counselors and writing specialists evaluate the essay and provide detailed feedback and suggestions for improvement. The reviewers assess various aspects of the essay, including the storyline, writing style, clarity, and overall effectiveness in conveying the student's message. Their expert insights help students enhance their essays and make them more compelling and persuasive to college admissions officers.

New Bridge Educational Consulting: A Team of Committed and Knowledgeable Consultants

New Bridge Education Consulting boasts a team of committed and knowledgeable consultants dedicated to helping students succeed in the college application process. Led by Stephanie Bartling, an experienced admissions and college counseling professional, the team takes a holistic and individualized approach to counseling. They leverage their extensive expertise in different educational settings and work closely with each student to understand and address their unique needs and aspirations. The consultants provide personalized guidance and support throughout the entire college application essay process.

Meet the Consultants: Stephanie Bartling and Linda Lowen

The consulting team at New Bridge Education Consulting includes Stephanie Bartling and Linda Lowen, two highly qualified professionals in the field of college admissions and counseling. Stephanie Bartling, the lead counselor, has over 25 years of experience in admissions and college counseling. She brings a wealth of knowledge and insights to her work, helping students navigate the complex college application process with confidence. Linda Lowen, a writing specialist, complements Stephanie's expertise with her extensive experience in reviewing and evaluating college application essays. Together, Stephanie and Linda provide comprehensive support and guidance to students seeking college essay assistance.

Getting Your Best Essay: The Importance of a Comprehensive Essay Review

A comprehensive essay review plays a crucial role in the college application process. New Bridge Education Consulting understands the significance of this step and emphasizes the importance of getting expert feedback on the essay. A thorough review helps identify areas of improvement, enhances the clarity and coherence of the essay's message, and ensures the essay effectively highlights the student's strengths and aspirations. With years of experience in admissions and college counseling, the consultants at New Bridge Education Consulting are equipped to provide valuable insights that can make a significant difference in the final essay.

Expert Reviewers: Linda Lowen and Stephanie Bartling's Insights and Feedback

Linda Lowen and Stephanie Bartling, the expert reviewers at New Bridge Education Consulting, offer valuable insights and feedback on college application essays. With their combined experience, they bring a wealth of expertise to the table. Linda's perspective as a writing specialist enables her to provide precise feedback on style, voice, and clarity, ensuring a strong and cohesive essay. Stephanie's extensive knowledge of the admissions process allows her to evaluate the essay's effectiveness in conveying the student's unique qualities and potential for success. Their collaborative approach helps students refine their essays and present their best selves to college admissions officers.

Insights from an Award-Winning Author: Harry Bauld's Contribution to Essay Coaching

New Bridge Education Consulting benefits from the insights and expertise of Harry Bauld, an award-winning author known for his book "On Writing the College Application Essay." Bauld's contribution to essay coaching allows students to benefit from his 30 years of experience as a professional writer and teacher. His invaluable feedback and guidance center around revision, compression, and attention to voice and language, enabling students to enhance their essays and make a lasting impression on college admissions officers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What services does New Bridge Education Consulting offer?

New Bridge Education Consulting offers college application essay assistance, including one-on-one main essay development, supplementary essay development, and college essay review. They also provide comprehensive college consulting services to help students navigate the entire application process.

Who are the consultants at New Bridge Education Consulting?

The consulting team at New Bridge Education Consulting is led by Stephanie Bartling, an experienced admissions and college counseling professional. They also have Linda Lowen, a writing specialist, who provides valuable insights and feedback on college application essays.

Why is a comprehensive essay review important?

A comprehensive essay review is important as it helps identify areas of improvement, enhances clarity and coherence, and ensures the essay effectively highlights the student's strengths. It offers valuable insights and feedback that can make a significant difference in the final essay.
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Standing Out in the Admissions Process: Expert Assistance with College Application Essays

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